Portion of the Moon (Theophilus, etc.) G.W. Richey with 40-inch Yerkes visual refractor, 1900, October 12 Portion of the Moon 1900
Glass positive of:- Great Nebula in Andromeda (M.31.N.G.C.224,205,221). Ritchey and Pease, Yerkes. 24-inch Relflector 1901, September 18. 14"x17". Prepared from negative R.A.S. No.98 Glass positive of:- Great Nebula in Andromeda 1901
Glass positive 12" x 10":- globular star cluster in Pegasus. M.15.N.G.C. 7078. Enlarged from R.A.S. neg. no. 102. Ritchey and Sullivan, Yerkes Observatory, 1900, October 3 Glass positive 12" x 10":- globular star cluster in Pegasus. M.15.N.G.C. 7078. 1900
Portion of the Moon (rough crater region above Mare Nubium) G.W. Ritchey and by F.R. Sullivan, with 40-inch Yerkes visual refractor colour screen, and isochromatic plate, 1901, November 21, age about 10 1/2 days, term about -38[o]m., exposure, 1 sec. Portion of the Moon; crater region above Mare Nubium 1901
Globular Star Cluster in Canes Venatici; M.3. N.G.C. 5272. R.A., 13h 36m. Decl., + 29 degrees; G.W. Ritchey, Mount Wilson Observatory; 1910, April 9; 60-inch Reflector; Focal length, 299 in.; Exposure, 3 1/2 hours Globular Star Cluster in Canes Venatici; M.3. N.G.C. 5272. R.A. 1910
Nebula in Andromeda; N.G.C. 224, 205, 221. R.A., Oh 36m. Decl., + 40 degrees 30'. G.W. Ritchey and F.G. Pease, Yerkes Observatory; 1901, September 18; 24-inch Reflector; Focal length, 93 in. Exposure, 4 hours Nebula in Andromeda; N.G.C. 224 1901
Portion of the Moon (Mare serenitatis and Mare tranquillitatis) G.W. Ritchey and F.R. Sullivan, with 40-inch Yerkes visual refractor, colour screen, and Isochromatic plate, 1901, August 3, age about 18 1/2 days, term, about 44[o] E., exposure, 1/2 sec. Portion of the Moon (Mare serenitatis and Mare tranquillitatis) G.W. Ritchey and F.R. Sullivan 1901
Glass positive of:- Great Nebulae in Andromeda (Southern portion) G.W. Ritchey, Mount Wilson Observatory 60-inch Reflector. 1909 October 13, 17"x14". Prepared from negative R.A.S. No. 402 Glass positive of:- Great Nebulae in Andromeda (Southern portion) G.W. Ritchey 1909